Allen Singer

Allen Singer, semi-retired, formerly the Assistant Congregational Leader of Congregation Zera Avraham in Ann Arbor, MI. currently serves as Vice-President and member of the Governing Board of the synagogue.  

As a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Art, Allen began his professional career as an Art Director, later becoming Creative Director and finally an advertising agency owner. He has taught at Central Bible College, and spoken at the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations national conference, the University of Michigan, and numerous churches. Allen is a member of The Pastors Alliance for County Transformation, and the IM-PACT Prayer Center in Ann Arbor, MI. He currently resides in Ypsilanti, MI with his wife, Zora.


Tefillin - Bound for Eternity

Our MJRC Mission Statement begins, “Rooted in Torah, instructed by Tradition, and faithful to Messiah Yeshua”. I believe that laying tefillin embodies all three. When I perform the mitzvot of tefillin, recite the berachot, and wrap the tefillin around my fingers saying those ancient, moving  words from Hoshea, “I will betroth you to Me forever…” the synergy of words and ritual allows a Holy place in time to emerge. A space for keva, kavvanah, and prayer, centering my mind and heart on that act of betrothal. Hashem is betrothed to me, and my people, where as Messianic Jews we are not only part, but vanguard. When laying tefillin I sense awe and mystery. It’s mystical. I remember the words of Yeshiyahu, “For He has dressed me in clothes of Salvation – Yeshua -- and in a robe of righteousness he has cloaked me”. I am wearing a sacred uniform, literally bearing Hashem’s name. I feel a profound connection, an incredible unity. A unity with my ancestors who have done this identical act for hundreds of years, with my fellow Jews, and most of all with God & Messiah. A unity and connection not only making those verses encased in the tefillin a present reality, but seeing their fulfillment -- Israel’s perfect redemption in Messiah -- as an ongoing future reality. A unity of heart, mind & strength – encased as well in these Holy boxes.

It is imperative, therefore, for The Messianic Jewish Movement to embrace Halachic Standards and practice, such as the above. This will take us out of the subjective realm of individual decisions and into the communal realm of Torah and Judaism. We are, after all, a stream of Judaism and must live out Torah, while embracing tradition, and our Messianic Jewish distinctives.


Additional Info

  • Contact Info:


    Congregation Zera Avraham
    P.O. Box 2025
    Ann Arbor, MI 48106