Robin Van Riper

Robin Van Riper has been an active participant in the Messianic Jewish world for more than three decades.  Originally from Washington, D.C., she grew up in a Reform Jewish home and synagogue and earned a B.A. in interdisciplinary studies from a progressive liberal arts college in California.  A lifelong learner, she recently completed the requirements for M.J.S. with a focus on rabbinic writings at the Messianic Jewish Theological Institute (degree pending) and is pleased to be part of the institution's first graduating class.

She tutors Hebrew and teaches seminars in Biblical Hebrew texts and language for the New School of Jewish Studies.  She lives in Derwood, MD with her husband James where together they host a UMJC Messianic Jewish chavurah.

Why the MJRC?

The work of the MJRC is to define halakhic standards compliant with our faith in Yeshua, and also to foster their practical and ethical expression through mutual support and accountability.  This serves the vital need in our extended community to define what is incumbent upon Messianic Jews to do in order to live as Jews, our congregations to do in order to express themselves as Jewish entities, and our movement to embrace in order to identify and be identified as authentically Jewish.

Like-minded Messianic Jewish rabbis and leaders can help shape our identity by participating in this collaborative endeavor.



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