Scott Moore

I was born and raised in Virginia and never left.  In 1972, I married my high school sweetheart, who eventually gave me two sons (five grandsons and one granddaughter as of 2017).  In 1975, I took a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Virginia, with a major in mathematics.  I began attending Ohev Yisrael Messianic Jewish congregation in 1981 and here I remain.  From 1992 to 2006, I served as the Congregational Leader, and now I continue as a Pastoral Elder  

Ohev Yisrael Messianic Jewish Congregation (PO Box 155, Newington, VA 22122) celebrated its 35 year anniversary in the Spring of 2015.  I currently serve as a Mid-Atlantic Regional Director of the UMJC.  In prior years I have been both Treasurer and Chairman of the Family Ministries Committee.  I have also accumulated 25 years of service as a Federal government employee.  My passion is to help grow future generations of Messianic Jewish leaders who will advance the besorah of Mashiach ben David, who is coming to restore all things in the olam habah.  When all things are restored, I assume it will look a lot like Virginia, but with better government leaders.  Aside from that, there really isn’t very far to go.

Why I think the MJRC is so important?

The MJRC is the first (perhaps only) organization of Messianic Jewish Rabbis and associates seeking to provide halakhic standards for Messianic Jewish practice rooted in Torah, instructed by tradition, and faithful to Messiah Yeshua.  It represents a substantial step forward for the Messianic Jewish movement, raising the bar on discourse, decision making, self-government, and community alignment.  No other extant organization has the capacity to arrive at and recommend such standards of observance as will realign our external observance and our internal understanding and spiritual life with our unique purpose to represent Yeshua as Messiah within an authentic expression of Jewish identity.  I would encourage any Messianic Jewish leader, if invited to do so, to consider joining this group as an opportunity to participate in a valuable and historic development in a fledgling movement that is growing up and becoming a significant voice in the Jewish world.

I believe Torah observance powerfully enriches our relationship with G-d and the Messiah.  If Messianic Judaism is truly a Judaism, our community must develop its own halakhic guidelines in order to join with greater Israel in meeting our obligation to observe the mitzvot.  The Torah is the eternal foundation of our life and our Divinely bestowed inheritance.  It is our calling to apply its life-giving instruction and express the Torah's goodness within our particular Messianic Jewish context.  The development of a well-informed halakhah is vitally necessary for us to operate Jewishly; an increased appreciation for Torah observance increases our credibility as a Jewish movement with an authentically Jewish message.  I believe, and earnestly hope, that the MJRC will provide a helpful voice in the process of maturing Messianic Judaism.  It is a great privilege to be included among the MJRC, who are working towards a vibrant, observant Messianic Judaism.

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